- You are capable of adopting very fast to new surroundings. Mostly the females born in this sign are intellectual types. Your mind is positive and strong.
- Reading, writing, working on computers are your natural fields. You love to travel a lot . Gemini women are masters of communication and expression.
Support me through here!
Sabrina Star-Struck
Gemini : The Female
Shattered Glass
Up till today, my conclusion will be... Everything is "seeing is believing" same with feeling, saying, hearing and making things happen for a reason... That is why my questions can never have a permanent answer because it changes according to time, according to place, especially according to people.
Sometimes I feel in my heart that this is not for real... But is it really after all for real?
Day after Today...
Sleepy sleepy... hehehe... Imagine what the world would be if there was no tomorrow? Will everything be in a mess? Rush hour? Or will everyone take things as it is and not complain? Well if it was for me, I won't rush, I'll be grateful and thankful to those around me & cherish every last moment I had with me. Of course I'll spend my last moments with everyone around me, although sometimes it might be a brief moment but it's the thought that counts... Hmmm... What about spending time with the very "one"?!?!... Nah... I don't have any besides my pet dog, Ah Bi!! Yea!... This is life, whether we like it or not, it's still life... We start the same, we'll end up the same, no matter how far or how near we are, or where we've went or what we've done, achieved or failed... We're still the same in most ways... No matter how ugly, bad, beautiful, good, silly or smart we all are, our hearts still beats as one. Deny that and deny everything else about urself then. Now how's that for a simple "truth of life"? hehe =p...
My First Day
Waaa... My first day at office... Here's my schedule... 6.30am MUST wake-up, 7.30am MUST get out!!!... Traffic jam til.... 8.30am - 8.45am will arrive... IF NOT!! Step on it!! Lolz!! Make it by 9.30am! So far... Late once by a minute!! Grrrr.... Stupid traffic... But lucky not so bad la... Still can be acceptable kua... Not too often le... Followed fellow FF's around learning and learning along the way... All my "Jie Jie" & "Kor Kor"... T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U!!
My first day "solo"... Wow... Panic... But I did it!! I completed it!! Yay!! I didn't kena bully... Except the positions of the outlets did BULLY me!!... Walked up and down the SAME row of shops looking for 1 outlet almost 15-20min looking.... Hahahaa.... Then in Puchong... over-shot the bridge! Went straight all the way, passed Bukit Jalil... Missed two freakin' u-turns... "cha"!... Then went out to shah alam kesas highway TOLL.... (thinking *can claim ah*?????)... Then went back into Puchong Kinrara... All the way to Prima! Found it! Yay!! On the way, in prima saw a potential shop toooooo... Hmmm... I wonder... Then while looking for Puchong Perdana, I bumped into Puchong Utama! So went over there first then only went searching HIGH and LOW for Puchong Perdana!! Passed by that area like 10 times!! Aaarrggghhh.... I even stopped 3 times at the side... Searching my loyal A-GPS on my Nokia E90... Then I finally found that freaking road!! It's joined with Jalan Kekwa 3/4... No wonder laaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Muahahaha.... In the end, I went home... Fell asleep.... lolz!!.... What a day... I even laughed at myself for it HAHAHA... There's more to come I think, ehehee....
If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him;
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.
If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;
If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG.
If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS
If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.
If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u.(very true huh?)
If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;
If u do!! he says u are CHEAP.
If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROUBLESOME;
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u.
If u BREAK yourPROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.
If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl;
If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!
Making My Dreams Come True
The day the door is closed, the echo's will fill your soul. They won't say which way to go, but just trust your heart. Cause to find what I'm here for, I need to open another door. Though I'm not sure anymore, yet, it's just so hard with the voices in my head; They tell me they know best! Got me on the edge, they're pushin' & pushin', I know they got a plan. When my whole world's upside down, what do I do?
I probably shouldn't say this but at times I get so scared. When I think about the relationship we share. It's awesome but is it possible for me not to care? And now we're standing in the rain but nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear. The 7 things I hate about you! You're insecure, you make me laugh, you make me care, you make me worry, you make me smile, your games! When you're playing, it's like nobody's around you, and you should know that it hurts! I wanna be with the one I know, and the 7th thing I hate the most that you do; You make me love you...
I got a lot to say to you, I noticed your eyes are always glued to me, keeping them here and it makes no sense at all. They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies...
Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone, just the one-two of us, who's counting on something that never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again... Let's be more than this "crush". If you want to play it like a game, well, let's play... Cause I'd rather waste my life pretending, than have to forget you for one whole minute...
It's like we're driving slow through the snow on fifth avenue and right now the radio's all that we can hear... Now we ain't talked since we left & it's so overdue, it's cold outside but between us its worst in here... The world slows down but my heart beats fast right now, I know this is the part where the end starts, I can't take it any longer, thought that we were stronger. All we do is linger; Slipping through our fingers, I don't want to try now cos all that's left is goodbye, need to find a way that I can tell you, I hate this part right here, I just can't take your tears... Everyday seven takes of a different scene, seems we're bound by the truce of the same things. I gotta talk to you now before we go to sleep but will we sleep once I tell you what's hurting me... I don't know if you'll ask me to hold on or just carry on like nothing's wrong but there is no more time for lies cause I sometimes see it in your eyes... But I gotta do it even how much I hate this part...
Shall I call this Simple Love? Infatuation? Crush? Intuitions? Puppy Love? True Love? Destiny Love? Like? Close Friends' Love? Bro & Sis Love? or.... is it really just Fallin' In Love?...
To my friends... (...you know who you are...)
... Hmmm... Where should I start? Well, here's TAKE 1...
First day on briefing as a promoter was held in Demo Power Office... Me, Ivy, Penny, Yoke Peng & "E...can't remember her name", but 5 of us were strangers to each other... Me & Penny chatted during the interval break times... Got to know that we were from Demo Power TS before this big change... She stays in Puchong which is just right behind me...
Well, we kinda started to click... Then Yoke Peng was also the same previously DPTS & she's from Shah Alam, well like "do re mi"... Follow up next, on the first day that we're supposed to start work, it was a public holiday so we didn't get any preparations or trainings yet so we're as fresh as new... Mel had a meet-up with us at Starbucks MV... Gave a brief training & getting to know each other & like usual, my start-off was never something that ppl thought I'll be... After briefing, we went home knowing tomorrow it'll be a long day as our first day at outlets... Mel taught us a lesson that we all learnt well in the end... To communicate, speak up & to never fear the dealer's/ra's, just do our job well, it's as simple as ABC... But it takes serious hard work at first...
After two days on field, Jasmin taught me lots of things and in the end, 4 of us remained... The other left... So down to Me, Penny, Ivy & Yoke Peng... We stayed until today... Our seniors that we followed & learnt from them, they left us too... Only a handful stayed back where we still can learn a thing or two from their experience... My first day at C4 Subang caused Mel trouble due to the C4 securities issue but it was settled after 2 hours... But it was troublesome, silly C4... U see, we're still newbies, Mel has to be firm on her grounds because if she gave us a slight chance of space, anyone of us might climb over her head... It's normal, because she IS a leader of a team & that's what their job is mostly about, to lead... After weeks of working...
My FIRST roadshow which I'll NEVER EVER forget... GIANT BATU CAVES... I got lost but I found my way after u-turning 2 times... hahaha... for 4weekends I was there... I tried my hardest to push for sales... I was still new, I really was a sucker at mobiles phones specs... I only know the setups but not the specs... There was a point I cried... I almost left cos I was so stressed out... I felt like it was hard to communicate with Mel because I know it's not her fault but it's just that I'm not really comfortable with my job yet... After advices from me ex-supervisor over at DP... I tried to do my own thing... That's where Royston Lim came in...
On the day I was at The Curve, his old schedule clashed with the new schedule due to some errors... But I learnt alot from him on that day... Even Liang & Kelly helped me alot... Not to mention, Edmund!! lolz... When customer asks comparison on devices, Edmund, Kelly or Liang is always behind me helping me... Because I haven't received training due to the new set-up over at office so everything is still fresh fresh... But I learnt it all with their help... I also did my own lil study & memories... Roy & Jasmin guided me whenever I got problems or just need a lil advice regarding work... The other seniors was also there supporting each other's back & not to forget, the main-lady, Mel... hehe...
During my promoter days, I clicked with numerous of people from different homes, different backgrounds & different personality... I was and still can be very very shy, soft-spoken, polite & quiet to strangers... But once I've learnt to adapt to u, Sabrina isn't just what u see is what u get, instead Sabrina is what u see but that's not always what u get... lolz... I was "in a relationship" that time... but its been a year plus... For 8mths I rarely see him due to long distance... Totally from a different background he is, but hey, sometimes in love, opposites attracts... I've been close with my new friends, the fellow Central promoters... I learnt from all of their different point of views & hearing their past experience & adventures, I learnt from their mistakes too... Although in the end, not all's well, ends well... But hey, it's a journey I set myself to embark on...
After ending the relationship I had wit my bf, I felt the freedom in me... It wasn't mine to regret but his... So why frust? Lolz... Do u know that after the end, it really wasn't an ending, it was more like a continued version of me... I started to live up to my life & my surroundings... No one to pull me back... No, I'm no pro-clubber of such... I'm just an ordinary girl trying to have fun but of course I'm still in the process of learning... hehehe...
CIPS... lolz... We just came along together... In just a couple of weeks, CIPS got so close that the pressure was too much to handle... Well... out of all of them, I'm the only one that's single but not so available... I had a lot of love to share... I love to care for people... Maybe I'm a busybody but that's just what people thinks, to me its call caring but with limits of course... I didn't wanted to waste my love of materials so I shared it, besides with my family & my lovely "Ah Bi", I shared with my frens... Maybe too much u say? Nah... But yea, sometimes I go overboard my limits just to see them happy... Maybe I am foolish but hey, sometimes that's the price I choose to pay just to see people around me happy...
C = This sweet saucy naughty gal here just can't get enough... lolx... Same year as me... I understand what she's gone through & what she might go through... Her easy way out is always complicated... lolz... U owe me MAJOR time dear, haha... But nah, I won't rush it over with u... lolz... But lucky the mastermind behind her back always has a trick or two to overcome her issues... But I'm very proud of u too... U've made your dream come true, u may seem vulnerable at times but deep down u are as strong as anyone! Just remember that k...
I = This pretty young lady here, I've seen her through her really difficult moments, in this short few months we moved in together, became closer, I understood her better, she even can read my mind sometimes... But there were times................just times... It's not a bad thing, just that times when things don't go our way & people try to bring us down... She needs support to be strong, cos she's not used to standing alone after all the yrs... But I'm proud to say that she's away from all "these times"... :)
P = There was no way i could get a solution for her... I felt hopeless at that time because what I say it's like no use so it became poisoned words to her & that's the finale...
S = U've been really sweet & fragile... But what happened? I don't know if u felt the change but we did... U were not like this when we met u, but in just a few months... So many, I mean too many things change, too many things happen, like a bullet-train... BANG... Everyone is different today... But why? I don't have the answer, even if u do, I don't know if I can listen on any longer... I don't blame u... Not that I don't trust u... I just don't know if u are the same person as u were before?... I feel like I'm starting not to recognize u... The things u do and say... It's like... I don't know... But I ain't the first to notice... We're still friends, I hope u manage to find urself again... :"( I miss the old u... never the new u...
Y = We're friends... yea... but something about us just don't click... so I don't wanna say much, if she's in need, like transport or such, I'm there for her but everything else, I seem to not exist... It's okay, I'm used to it... As long as she's happy, as long as she's safe, I have no regrets...
Has anyone ever tried blowing a balloon? What happens if there's too much pressure? "POW"... That's the sound that goes... Maybe followed by a lil screaming in the background & a step-back for the one blowing... Well... That's the way most things are in life... If u blow too hard or too much or way too fast... It'll explode, whether u like it or not...
Take 6
Today... After all my blabbering on my past... The past is the past... Bygones are bygones... No point looking back... The only thing I can do when I look back is to evaluate the actions, thoughts & words to look for a better solution for a better tomorrow... Learn my mistakes, learn from their mistakes... I ended my days of promoter as of 15th Nov 9pm, will I ever forget the events?? Make every moment count... I start of tomorrow as a field force, but deep down in my heart, I am still a front-liner aka promoter... With more responsibilities & duties as I move on, I must carry along my principles with me, even how bad someone wants to take me down, I am for who I am & they can't be me... But no matter how far I travel or how high I reach, my friends will still be my friends... Nothing can tear it away from me unless God forbid...
Am I in love now??
Secret Of Love
About us baby, I'm missing' you like ice on my finger, snow in the winter. Ain't got nothing to do but lie on my pillow & thinkin' bout u....

I keep wondering where you went,
But I gotta tell you that I could be in love,
I'm ain't telling' you straight up,
But I just can't believe we're close friends.
Thinking' bout your kiss, so long but the problem is your lips are a long way to get there...
Let's think about the present, I'm tired of you stressing with work,
I just want you to be my baby and I know you heard about me trying' to care,
To shower my flames but every time I think that I can, I hear something about you
and I'm like Damn! Coz I'm trying but I'm lying coz I'm crying, I'm dying,
Without you there's nobody that completes me like you do...

I miss u... But I keep it locked up in my heart... This is the "Secret of Love" that I endure most dearly the past few months... Deep down... Deeper than ocean, Higher than mountains... Not the love but the innocence...
Thoughts of a 20 year old
What have I done to deserve this? All my past experience and memories compiled into one... I think day by day, why don't they know how to appreciate le? Why things must end this way? Is it that hard to be with me or am I just to hard to handle? Sometimes I assure them that, I can handle things myself, no need worry much but now I realized, they choose to worry & they get scared of girls who actually can handle things without them, they just wanna feel needed... Is this true?
I don't believe, everyone is different but why everyone seems to be of the same result in the end? I can be solely independent, yet, I can be totally outspoken & nothing can stop me from speaking up from the truth, although most times I just couldn't care less 'bout minor itsy-bitsy issues but deep down, the littlest things matters most to me... Every action & every reaction... They make a big difference no matter the size... Do u know that a pill of panadol can cause death?!?! A small item yet a huge matter...
Death? I'm not afraid... If it is my time, it is time... If it ain't, u'll still see me standing back up on solid ground! I hold on to my principles... I disrespect of others who don't know how to respect themselves in the eyes of others... It is like a curse to me *pantang pantang*... LOLZ!! None of my business but hey, "jaga" abit la... tak tau malu... For ur own good la! Cis.... tsk tsk...
Experience & pain!? Been there, done that, seen that, felt that & still going through there... Life is a never-ending journey... Everyday I MUST learn one thing new or else I felt like I've sinned... I'm not being religious but if I was placed on earth for a purpose & for me to know my purpose is to learn, think, observe, listen, analyse, talk & then do...
♥ Well, this means before we can do anything or everything, we must learn first that's why we were given 365 1/2 days a year... Why the digits if we're not supposed to make use if it properly? If I LAY around for ONE DAY doing the SAME things' YESTERDAY, then What's The POINT of tomorrow if EVERYDAY is THE SAME?!?! Anyone get what I'm trying to say?
I don't have to repeat myself, this is common sense... Think about it... We were given numbers in life, to time ourself properly, to make use of each second the right way & not waste a minute of it... I don't know why or what I was born here for? I just know we're all a miracle, a gift from God, so why misuse ourselves and everything else or everyone else around us? We're lucky to be here, we have a home, a family, friends all over, jobs, income & everything we see around us is a blessing that we shouldn't even ask for more... I am not boasting in my blog but yet, I am proud to say I am blessed with a loving family, beautiful & amazing, yet, exciting friends all around me, a lovely pet dog I dearly cherish & transportation to keep me moving non-stop... The only thing that can stop me is me... So why must I let that happen when I can make things happen for a reason!!
♥ 8mths without any commitment, without any doubts, without fears, without worries, without hopes, without lies & without that special kinda "love" from that "someone" special... But I ain't complaining, I'm just so glad I had this time to myself... I'm still having time to myself still lolz... Whatever happens next is fate...
♥ We're creatures with emotions, but that doesn't mean we've 2 respond 2 important things emotionally. Emotions must be managed by the mind...
♥ Friends are like precious stones we stumble upon but we must learnt o keep them as a gift for ourselves...
♥ Some people like us, some don't. The sun shines on us & keeps us warm; the rain falls & drences. That's life...
♥ Youth is a time 2 learn & 2 make mistakes about interactions. Learn & adapt these skills u will use 4 the rest of your life...
♥ Is the glass half full or half empty? It depends on how thirsty u are & how grateful u are...
♥ Getting over someone u love desperately is tough. But know this, there r better people out there & u'll b very happy with them...
♥ When we allow an opportuniy 2 slip because we did nothing, we sometimes live 2
ask "What if I had done this-or-that?"
♥ People are not put here on earth for our amusement. We need 2 treat everyone as we would want 2 b treated. That's the golden rule...
♥ The love is 2 exercise faith in another, and opening up yourself 2 the risk of being hurt...
♥ If u can't stand the heat in the kitchen, aircond the place. Complaining doesn't help anything~!
♥ Being shy or being scared explains your inactions. But they can't be excuses, unless u r prepared 2 stand & watch life go by...
♥ Destiny isn't something fixed & 2 b waited for. Destiny is the product of Discipline, Passion, Talent & some Luck...
♥ Love isn't about finding the perfect person, simple because there's no perfect flawless person to set up a house with...
♥ In a ideal world, likes & dislikes, wishes, desires & their fulfillment meet. Everyone is satisfied & happy. Tears are of joy, not pain!
♥ Weakness doesn't excuse failure; it is the reason 2 work harder 2 succeed. Weak muscles strengthen through regular exercise.
♥ True friends like beautiful flowers r hard 2 find. Don't toss friendship on life's roadside thinking of it as something common like weeds...
♥ Don't waste time & effort comparing youself 2 others. An apple doesn't try 2 b an
orange. Neither the orange 2 b an apple...
♥ Look at flowers. Some r early bloomers, some late. but eventually, all bloom. Same with people...
♥ Believe that there's divinity in u, that u r more than the sum of ur arms & legs.
♥ Your name is unique. Why shouldn't you be? There's no need 2 b like a sheep thoughtlessly following those in front of u.
♥ Making the first move might be a mistake but often it's not going 2 b such a big one that u'll be scarred for life.
♥ We sacrifice 4 those we love without thought of reward. So should we sacrifice 4 the world without thought of personal gain.
♥ Hope is found in Anger & Courage. Being Angry that things are the way they are & having Courage to right them!!
♥ If we r of different heights, like different food, have different parents, why should we assume that we'd be alike in all ways?
♥ Sometimes it isn't the food that tastes bad; it's the tongue that can't taste well.
♥ We're connected 2 people through love, through commitments, through something larger than ourselves & our immediate concerns...
♥ Not to love has its own price. 2 live without being in love means 2 live a less full life.
♥ We should seize oppotunities & live each day fully. But that doesn't mean to indulge so much that we forget everything. Be moderate.
♥ Likely that we can't control with whom we fall in love, but we can control & choose how we respond 2 this falling.
♥ Life gives each of us some things we're good at. Find ur talents & give them back 2 Life, blessing all round u...
♥ Love takes u 2 the heights of joy. But 2 love requires taking risks. To shrink from risks is only 2 half-love. Never 2 reach the heights of joy...
♥ Prolonged silences in a relationship often indicate a problem. open, candid & loving communication is the only balm...
♥ We all need 2 b needed, wanted & cared for in meaningful ways. It's no mystery. the mystery is to live aware of this truth.
♥ If it is Love at first sight, what then is next? Is it the same Love that sustains into the future?
♥ Whatever u think is True, Good, Right, just follow it 2 the best of ur ability. U'll be so much happier.
I feel what I've been feeling for you means I am falling for you. The colors of you and me...I think we both know what that means, I stand inside this promise I made to myself that if I fall, if I break, if I lose myself in someone, if I give all that I am, it'll be with you...
When I'm ready to take all that you want me to give, it will be worth the wait..!!
My heart I wanna save it for you, don't want it broken into pieces, I need myself to reverse and could we just sit and talk a while, I just wanna see you smile, feel your sunlight shining over me; Worth all the long nights dreaming of forever that someday we will be together. I've been trying for days to think of a way, to find the words to make sense of how we behave... This might take a while so please just hear me out.......
We know how things can get crazy, when we go ablaze, we just get carried away. Believe me, I know, don't even say a word now & please just hear me out. Sometimes the stunts that we pull don't even make sense but I was never the one to feel that resent. This ain't 'bout who's to blame so please just hear me out.....................
When the scene gets intense, it's hard to prevent from going all crazy again. When you first walked into my life, I was so happy, you just made me smile. I'd do anything that you'd like. Cos I'll be who I wanna be and I'll see who I wanna see. I won't go changin for nobody and I'll do what I wanna do.
I just keep on wonderin why? Always comes as a surprise...
"That people think that they got the right to tell me how to live my life." LMFAO.... hahhaa....
~giggles giggles~
Too much talk about,
What I wear,
Style my hair,
Seems like it's always wrong. The advice line just 'Never stops'! Time to tell "Everyone" to step off, just back off.
It ain't about bein right, I just go with my instinct and I trust myself.
That's what I do, why don't you keep your mind on you?
Quattro Greetings!!
A night of entertainment, I didn't take much pictures... I didn't drink much, I barely even danced for more than 5min... I was the like the in-charged person that night, I just wanna make sure everything goes well, everyone had fun & everyone is SAFE!!... Well mission accomplished !! Ehehe... I plan to have a dinner at Spring Season soon, it's raining at the entrance but open air at the resturant, nice... Winter Season is a Bar & it was upstairs but we didn't go there... Summer is a Lounge & I think it's the one they have facing outdoors because "hot" & "outdoor" lolz... But everyone had fun... Still got bottle balance... I just hope I didn't my time & money on this if anyone dare say they didn't have fun.... Hahahaha!! Just kidding!! Lolz... There were many more ppl I wished they'd come but... hey, this ain't the first so neither will it be the last... Lucky everyone still can work the next day ehehehe!!! Yeah! Gambateh!! Thank U all!! Really really hope everyone enjoyed, DON'T EVER EVER THANK ME, But THANK YOU! For coming... Muax muax..... lotsa luv XOXO.... hehehe
...A Walk Down My Memory Lane...
The depths of the odds... Anyone can answer to this scenario? I betcha' no one can have a 100% answer to any questions that's been made up in this world... Give a man a fish & he can eat for a day... But teach a man to fish & he can eat for a lifetime... Do u know that it's alright to feel sad, but we must not let sadness stop us from living & engaging with the lives around us... What I've felt or experienced before it'll be in my past, though lost forever but never forgotten... Why ppl try to pls other ppl? Well... sometimes there's too many reason to really tell the full story of one's explanation... But do u know the fact that people are not put here on earth for our amusement. We need to treat everyone as we would want to be treated. That's the "Golden Rule"... But how many of us actually follow this "Golden Rule"? As for me, I try to follow this "Golden Rule" it's a very very long & harsh journey all the way... There's no shortcuts or u-turns along the way... I'm still on this journey, halfway there... My engine almost failed on me but each time I'll accelerate faster & I learn to pick-up as a move on everyday with my life... Ups & downs, too many bad falls i've experienced... at my age, 20.... Soon to be 21, the key to my future will be opened soon but I realized that to receive the "Key" comes with GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, OBEDIENCE, DISCIPLINE & RESPECT... I might say i'm ready for it, but nobody's perfect... No matter how hard we try to be perfect than the other, we're still who we are, they'll never be like us & neither will they... We are all the same, I treat my friends the way I wanna be treated in return, I treat my friends like my family because in family comes responsibility, learning, understanding, adaptation & hope...
Measurements of a girl...
Having a past life & a present life is two different situation we can be in... But the reasons of my blog this time is, to express the expressions of mine, maybe not too in-depth but atleast a brief structure of it...
Has anyone ever measured a girl? Up to what point? Isit worth being with her? Isit worth nurturing her? Or isit better to just torture her? Well... I think the world may be a lil cruel and selfish at times... Majority watches a girl fall for a man & falls flat to the ground without any support in the end... But has anyone ever done anything to avoid or to handle that kinda situation? No! Let me tell u why, all we ask for is to be love in return but what ppl really see in us is not the beauty that lies deep down in the heart but the beauty that lies outside... That's why "puppy love" exists so commonly in everyone's life... Neve judge a book by it's covers but seriously, who ever practice this quote? As far as I've seen, heard, know & felt, NONE... Even I, no matter how hard I try, I'll never wanna judge someone unless they've pushed me to my limits... Words can be create anytime! But feelings don't just come overnight...
Don't take us as a "sex toy" or "entertainment" of some sort, we're just trying to be like everyone else, man or woman we are ALL THE SAME... Our heart, beats the same rhythm & we share the environment together... So we're all equal like it or not, kings & queens, bosses or CEO's, we're still human... Young or old, pretty or ugly, when we die, WE ALL LOOK THE SAME "BONES"... Bones of different shapes & sizes, but when we die, WHO cares what our bones ae shaped like!! So why worry if pretty or not pretty!! We were born in our own beauty in every way, even the ugliest of all WILL turn into a swan one day... Never look down on us, so pls don't look down on our ownself...
There's a task I must do, so do everyone... Recently, lotsa thoughts & wonders... I don't know if so & so might read this blog & understand but I hope they do... I miss them, It's been a short term but filled with fun & laughters, we've built so much in this short time but in the end what happened? Haven't I done enough? Or have I done too much of help that u guys just got bored? I don't know... I won't die without friends but why must u all make it like u'll die without a boyfriend? Why? My most disappointments is to see my friends become someone that I don't recognize anymore... It's like drinking Milo & suddenly one day u're allergic to it, then that's the end of it... Why can't life be simple? That's called the challenges in life... I love facing challenges but even the one's I hate to face most, I have to conquer it no matter what... If I let one tiny issue stop me from doing/being who I am today, then all I can say is, I don't deserve what I have, what I've learnt & what I'll learn... I won't let my feelings control me, MAYBE after drinking la but still, I'll take control no matter what! It is me... No one else... I just complete my task, do my job well, make sure everything's in order, keep track of my performance & be myself... After I've completed my task, I just find my ways around to have my fun & relax, if ppl can't handle the way i do things, come to my face & tell me, it's not a challenge but everyone has a right to speak up & not speak "behind ppl's back"
Lastly... The evolution of revolution is something I've not thought about yet... But soon...
I hope that my friends out there won't take this too harsh on them... All I ask is a simple request... Respect... That's all, Give & take... I give them my full respect, whether they do wrong or right I still respect their choices... But respect me back as a friend & don't take me for granted, cos if I find out the truth, I'm no longer Sabrina, I can be Li-San in the end, I don't wanna be & never will be... My past will be my past... My anger takes me 5minutes only... But if I'm over the edge... I'm sorry is all I have to say... I only talk logical common sense... I'm allergic to bullshit most times... Thankz
Am I too good to be true? Lolz, don't try judging me, here's my answer
Things that I do lately seems off timing... Maybe I am lost in my own world? When i keep trying to think, I come to a stop & I start to wonder why... Curiosity does kill the cat sometimes... It makes me so eager to find out an answer that so much so, it takes up half of my energy just to think of an answer. But the limits I keep it to my boundaries. I have a task to fulfill everyday, like or not, I am just an ordinary girl like every human being on this earth, struggling for a living.
Sometimes I wonder, does God really look out for us from above? But who am i to judge him?! Things of my past, doings of right & wrong, all the sins & errors, all the hurt & pain, I've conquered all but I'll go through again and again. That is life, what goes around, comes around. That is why i chose to give & not take. I don't expect to receive anything in return, I only ask of a simple request from friends, family & people around me, young or old...
I believe we deserve one thing in life that we must endure in our thoughts, in our heart & in our life... That one particular request is "Respect"; With "Respect" comes great responsibility, discipline, love, friendship, life, entertainment, enjoyment, professional, people, conversations & never-ending journey to everywhere we go & to everyone we meet. We should treat people the way WE want to be treated by others... Give & take is a fair deal.
Some may say I'm foolish, I give too much but receive all the rubbish & junks. Do u know, deep down in my heart, no matter how much i give, I give with a sincere heart, with no complaints, with no doubts, with no fears, with no hopes... I feel happy watching the people around me happy. If at the end of the day, nobody notice me nor cherish my doings, it is okay for me. For I am too aware that, nobody is perfect, people may seem to cherish me "now" when they're in "need" but when they feel like they're better off without me, it is not a lost to me, for that fact I must mention it out clearly that i have no regrets what-so-ever...
The lost is theirs to take, not mine. I did what I could, I tried stepping outta the limits just to make them happy again, I went beyond my expectations, far far beyond their expectations to be more than just what everyone calls "a friend"... But whatever happens in the future nobody can predict. no matter how hard we judge people's behaviour & character, it'll all change in time... And when the time comes, u'll know what u're up against...
But whatever goes around, comes around & what goes up must come down... That's the karma of life...
Expressions of the heart
Could it be? The expressions of my heart might be too sincere to please? Or is it all just an illusion... Some fears that I've encounter, I can never overcome, but it is a journey that i have to move on with. Whether or not life takes notice of me, it is I who make my own choices. Right or wrong, is for me to find out & learning to grasp the opportunity will take me further...
Sometimes I ask, what are crushes meant for? Something to please? Someone to fill in my free time with? Or just a simple meaning for the word "like"... A picture is worth a thousand word, but one word is worth a thousand meanings. It all comes down to how & who we are that makes us think different in every way. But in the end, my conclusion is, nobody is perfect. Like it or not, we're all equal human beings, but what we really lack of is judgement. Even a real Judge has no right to "judge" another one being.
Feelings that i have and keep, will never be forsaken. Kept & locked up deep down in my memories... Decades' of pictures, Centuries of words, all leads me to who I am today... My past, I'll never forget, but I'll learn to grow from every aspect without leaving anyone behind... This journey is a task, a challenge, a fulfillment & satisfaction of the inner "me"...
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