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Sabrina Star-Struck

Campaign : Paint your naked box and stand the chance to win ₤2,000 with #DurexNakedBox!

campaign image 

Are you a creative artist itching to let loose one of your outrageous designs on the world? Here’s your chance to do so and win ₤2,000 in the process!

Design your own packaging for Durex condoms with the Durex Naked Box contest, and the design which garners the most votes from the public will be the winning entry. The best part? You don’t even have to be a professional artist to participate!

Draw away now, because who knows - your design might be the one that gets chosen to be on boxes sold around the world!

Only via ChurpChurp

PLS VOTE FOR MY UGL-EH Designs! Ohohoohoh...
Entry #8862 
  • 3 Votes
  • Design ID #8862

Entry #8850 
  • 2 Votes
  • Design ID #8850

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