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Sabrina Star-Struck

Gemini : The Female

Gemini : The Female
Highlighted in red, somewhat real as what I've experienced.... Hmmmm.... MENTAL ATTITUDE: You are capable of adopting very fast to new surroundings. Mostly the females born in this sign are intellectual types. Your mind is positive and strong. Reading, writing, working on computers are your natural fields. You love to travel a lot . Gemini women are masters of communication...

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass
So let me know, just let me know... What can I do to make this a brighter way for me? Is this real? Is this all I can get to be who I am today? Questions.... Why why why.... Well... Curiousity kills the darn cat... Yea I'm killing myself... Too many questions I can think of but why I can't think of an answer for it? Up till today, my conclusion will be... Everything is "seeing is believing" same...

Day after Today...

Day after Today...
Sleepy sleepy... hehehe... Imagine what the world would be if there was no tomorrow? Will everything be in a mess? Rush hour? Or will everyone take things as it is and not complain? Well if it was for me, I won't rush, I'll be grateful and thankful to those around me & cherish every last moment I had with me. Of course I'll spend my last moments with everyone around me, although sometimes it might...
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