... Hmmm... Where should I start? Well, here's TAKE 1...
First day on briefing as a promoter was held in Demo Power Office... Me, Ivy, Penny, Yoke Peng & "E...can't remember her name", but 5 of us were strangers to each other... Me & Penny chatted during the interval break times... Got to know that we were from Demo Power TS before this big change... She stays in Puchong which is just right behind me...
Well, we kinda started to click... Then Yoke Peng was also the same previously DPTS & she's from Shah Alam, well like "do re mi"... Follow up next, on the first day that we're supposed to start work, it was a public holiday so we didn't get any preparations or trainings yet so we're as fresh as new... Mel had a meet-up with us at Starbucks MV... Gave a brief training & getting to know each other & like usual, my start-off was never something that ppl thought I'll be... After briefing, we went home knowing tomorrow it'll be a long day as our first day at outlets... Mel taught us a lesson that we all learnt well in the end... To communicate, speak up & to never fear the dealer's/ra's, just do our job well, it's as simple as ABC... But it takes serious hard work at first...
After two days on field, Jasmin taught me lots of things and in the end, 4 of us remained... The other left... So down to Me, Penny, Ivy & Yoke Peng... We stayed until today... Our seniors that we followed & learnt from them, they left us too... Only a handful stayed back where we still can learn a thing or two from their experience... My first day at C4 Subang caused Mel trouble due to the C4 securities issue but it was settled after 2 hours... But it was troublesome, silly C4... U see, we're still newbies, Mel has to be firm on her grounds because if she gave us a slight chance of space, anyone of us might climb over her head... It's normal, because she IS a leader of a team & that's what their job is mostly about, to lead... After weeks of working...
My FIRST roadshow which I'll NEVER EVER forget... GIANT BATU CAVES... I got lost but I found my way after u-turning 2 times... hahaha... for 4weekends I was there... I tried my hardest to push for sales... I was still new, I really was a sucker at mobiles phones specs... I only know the setups but not the specs... There was a point I cried... I almost left cos I was so stressed out... I felt like it was hard to communicate with Mel because I know it's not her fault but it's just that I'm not really comfortable with my job yet... After advices from me ex-supervisor over at DP... I tried to do my own thing... That's where Royston Lim came in...
On the day I was at The Curve, his old schedule clashed with the new schedule due to some errors... But I learnt alot from him on that day... Even Liang & Kelly helped me alot... Not to mention, Edmund!! lolz... When customer asks comparison on devices, Edmund, Kelly or Liang is always behind me helping me... Because I haven't received training due to the new set-up over at office so everything is still fresh fresh... But I learnt it all with their help... I also did my own lil study & memories... Roy & Jasmin guided me whenever I got problems or just need a lil advice regarding work... The other seniors was also there supporting each other's back & not to forget, the main-lady, Mel... hehe...
During my promoter days, I clicked with numerous of people from different homes, different backgrounds & different personality... I was and still can be very very shy, soft-spoken, polite & quiet to strangers... But once I've learnt to adapt to u, Sabrina isn't just what u see is what u get, instead Sabrina is what u see but that's not always what u get... lolz... I was "in a relationship" that time... but its been a year plus... For 8mths I rarely see him due to long distance... Totally from a different background he is, but hey, sometimes in love, opposites attracts... I've been close with my new friends, the fellow Central promoters... I learnt from all of their different point of views & hearing their past experience & adventures, I learnt from their mistakes too... Although in the end, not all's well, ends well... But hey, it's a journey I set myself to embark on...
After ending the relationship I had wit my bf, I felt the freedom in me... It wasn't mine to regret but his... So why frust? Lolz... Do u know that after the end, it really wasn't an ending, it was more like a continued version of me... I started to live up to my life & my surroundings... No one to pull me back... No, I'm no pro-clubber of such... I'm just an ordinary girl trying to have fun but of course I'm still in the process of learning... hehehe...
CIPS... lolz... We just came along together... In just a couple of weeks, CIPS got so close that the pressure was too much to handle... Well... out of all of them, I'm the only one that's single but not so available... I had a lot of love to share... I love to care for people... Maybe I'm a busybody but that's just what people thinks, to me its call caring but with limits of course... I didn't wanted to waste my love of materials so I shared it, besides with my family & my lovely "Ah Bi", I shared with my frens... Maybe too much u say? Nah... But yea, sometimes I go overboard my limits just to see them happy... Maybe I am foolish but hey, sometimes that's the price I choose to pay just to see people around me happy...
C = This sweet saucy naughty gal here just can't get enough... lolx... Same year as me... I understand what she's gone through & what she might go through... Her easy way out is always complicated... lolz... U owe me MAJOR time dear, haha... But nah, I won't rush it over with u... lolz... But lucky the mastermind behind her back always has a trick or two to overcome her issues... But I'm very proud of u too... U've made your dream come true, u may seem vulnerable at times but deep down u are as strong as anyone! Just remember that k...
I = This pretty young lady here, I've seen her through her really difficult moments, in this short few months we moved in together, became closer, I understood her better, she even can read my mind sometimes... But there were times................just times... It's not a bad thing, just that times when things don't go our way & people try to bring us down... She needs support to be strong, cos she's not used to standing alone after all the yrs... But I'm proud to say that she's away from all "these times"... :)
P = There was no way i could get a solution for her... I felt hopeless at that time because what I say it's like no use so it became poisoned words to her & that's the finale...
S = U've been really sweet & fragile... But what happened? I don't know if u felt the change but we did... U were not like this when we met u, but in just a few months... So many, I mean too many things change, too many things happen, like a bullet-train... BANG... Everyone is different today... But why? I don't have the answer, even if u do, I don't know if I can listen on any longer... I don't blame u... Not that I don't trust u... I just don't know if u are the same person as u were before?... I feel like I'm starting not to recognize u... The things u do and say... It's like... I don't know... But I ain't the first to notice... We're still friends, I hope u manage to find urself again... :"( I miss the old u... never the new u...
Y = We're friends... yea... but something about us just don't click... so I don't wanna say much, if she's in need, like transport or such, I'm there for her but everything else, I seem to not exist... It's okay, I'm used to it... As long as she's happy, as long as she's safe, I have no regrets...
Has anyone ever tried blowing a balloon? What happens if there's too much pressure? "POW"... That's the sound that goes... Maybe followed by a lil screaming in the background & a step-back for the one blowing... Well... That's the way most things are in life... If u blow too hard or too much or way too fast... It'll explode, whether u like it or not...
Take 6
Today... After all my blabbering on my past... The past is the past... Bygones are bygones... No point looking back... The only thing I can do when I look back is to evaluate the actions, thoughts & words to look for a better solution for a better tomorrow... Learn my mistakes, learn from their mistakes... I ended my days of promoter as of 15th Nov 9pm, will I ever forget the events?? Make every moment count... I start of tomorrow as a field force, but deep down in my heart, I am still a front-liner aka promoter... With more responsibilities & duties as I move on, I must carry along my principles with me, even how bad someone wants to take me down, I am for who I am & they can't be me... But no matter how far I travel or how high I reach, my friends will still be my friends... Nothing can tear it away from me unless God forbid...
Am I in love now??
Support me through here!
Sabrina Star-Struck
To my friends... (...you know who you are...)
Copyright by
Sunday, November 16, 2008
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