What have I done to deserve this? All my past experience and memories compiled into one... I think day by day, why don't they know how to appreciate le? Why things must end this way? Is it that hard to be with me or am I just to hard to handle? Sometimes I assure them that, I can handle things myself, no need worry much but now I realized, they choose to worry & they get scared of girls who actually can handle things without them, they just wanna feel needed... Is this true?
I don't believe, everyone is different but why everyone seems to be of the same result in the end? I can be solely independent, yet, I can be totally outspoken & nothing can stop me from speaking up from the truth, although most times I just couldn't care less 'bout minor itsy-bitsy issues but deep down, the littlest things matters most to me... Every action & every reaction... They make a big difference no matter the size... Do u know that a pill of panadol can cause death?!?! A small item yet a huge matter...
Death? I'm not afraid... If it is my time, it is time... If it ain't, u'll still see me standing back up on solid ground! I hold on to my principles... I disrespect of others who don't know how to respect themselves in the eyes of others... It is like a curse to me *pantang pantang*... LOLZ!! None of my business but hey, "jaga" abit la... tak tau malu... For ur own good la! Cis.... tsk tsk...
Experience & pain!? Been there, done that, seen that, felt that & still going through there... Life is a never-ending journey... Everyday I MUST learn one thing new or else I felt like I've sinned... I'm not being religious but if I was placed on earth for a purpose & for me to know my purpose is to learn, think, observe, listen, analyse, talk & then do...
♥ Well, this means before we can do anything or everything, we must learn first that's why we were given 365 1/2 days a year... Why the digits if we're not supposed to make use if it properly? If I LAY around for ONE DAY doing the SAME things' YESTERDAY, then What's The POINT of tomorrow if EVERYDAY is THE SAME?!?! Anyone get what I'm trying to say?
I don't have to repeat myself, this is common sense... Think about it... We were given numbers in life, to time ourself properly, to make use of each second the right way & not waste a minute of it... I don't know why or what I was born here for? I just know we're all a miracle, a gift from God, so why misuse ourselves and everything else or everyone else around us? We're lucky to be here, we have a home, a family, friends all over, jobs, income & everything we see around us is a blessing that we shouldn't even ask for more... I am not boasting in my blog but yet, I am proud to say I am blessed with a loving family, beautiful & amazing, yet, exciting friends all around me, a lovely pet dog I dearly cherish & transportation to keep me moving non-stop... The only thing that can stop me is me... So why must I let that happen when I can make things happen for a reason!!
♥ 8mths without any commitment, without any doubts, without fears, without worries, without hopes, without lies & without that special kinda "love" from that "someone" special... But I ain't complaining, I'm just so glad I had this time to myself... I'm still having time to myself still lolz... Whatever happens next is fate...
♥ We're creatures with emotions, but that doesn't mean we've 2 respond 2 important things emotionally. Emotions must be managed by the mind...
♥ Friends are like precious stones we stumble upon but we must learnt o keep them as a gift for ourselves...
♥ Some people like us, some don't. The sun shines on us & keeps us warm; the rain falls & drences. That's life...
♥ Youth is a time 2 learn & 2 make mistakes about interactions. Learn & adapt these skills u will use 4 the rest of your life...
♥ Is the glass half full or half empty? It depends on how thirsty u are & how grateful u are...
♥ Getting over someone u love desperately is tough. But know this, there r better people out there & u'll b very happy with them...
♥ When we allow an opportuniy 2 slip because we did nothing, we sometimes live 2
ask "What if I had done this-or-that?"
♥ People are not put here on earth for our amusement. We need 2 treat everyone as we would want 2 b treated. That's the golden rule...
♥ The love is 2 exercise faith in another, and opening up yourself 2 the risk of being hurt...
♥ If u can't stand the heat in the kitchen, aircond the place. Complaining doesn't help anything~!
♥ Being shy or being scared explains your inactions. But they can't be excuses, unless u r prepared 2 stand & watch life go by...
♥ Destiny isn't something fixed & 2 b waited for. Destiny is the product of Discipline, Passion, Talent & some Luck...
♥ Love isn't about finding the perfect person, simple because there's no perfect flawless person to set up a house with...
♥ In a ideal world, likes & dislikes, wishes, desires & their fulfillment meet. Everyone is satisfied & happy. Tears are of joy, not pain!
♥ Weakness doesn't excuse failure; it is the reason 2 work harder 2 succeed. Weak muscles strengthen through regular exercise.
♥ True friends like beautiful flowers r hard 2 find. Don't toss friendship on life's roadside thinking of it as something common like weeds...
♥ Don't waste time & effort comparing youself 2 others. An apple doesn't try 2 b an
orange. Neither the orange 2 b an apple...
♥ Look at flowers. Some r early bloomers, some late. but eventually, all bloom. Same with people...
♥ Believe that there's divinity in u, that u r more than the sum of ur arms & legs.
♥ Your name is unique. Why shouldn't you be? There's no need 2 b like a sheep thoughtlessly following those in front of u.
♥ Making the first move might be a mistake but often it's not going 2 b such a big one that u'll be scarred for life.
♥ We sacrifice 4 those we love without thought of reward. So should we sacrifice 4 the world without thought of personal gain.
♥ Hope is found in Anger & Courage. Being Angry that things are the way they are & having Courage to right them!!
♥ If we r of different heights, like different food, have different parents, why should we assume that we'd be alike in all ways?
♥ Sometimes it isn't the food that tastes bad; it's the tongue that can't taste well.
♥ We're connected 2 people through love, through commitments, through something larger than ourselves & our immediate concerns...
♥ Not to love has its own price. 2 live without being in love means 2 live a less full life.
♥ We should seize oppotunities & live each day fully. But that doesn't mean to indulge so much that we forget everything. Be moderate.
♥ Likely that we can't control with whom we fall in love, but we can control & choose how we respond 2 this falling.
♥ Life gives each of us some things we're good at. Find ur talents & give them back 2 Life, blessing all round u...
♥ Love takes u 2 the heights of joy. But 2 love requires taking risks. To shrink from risks is only 2 half-love. Never 2 reach the heights of joy...
♥ Prolonged silences in a relationship often indicate a problem. open, candid & loving communication is the only balm...
♥ We all need 2 b needed, wanted & cared for in meaningful ways. It's no mystery. the mystery is to live aware of this truth.
♥ If it is Love at first sight, what then is next? Is it the same Love that sustains into the future?
♥ Whatever u think is True, Good, Right, just follow it 2 the best of ur ability. U'll be so much happier.
Support me through here!
Sabrina Star-Struck
Thoughts of a 20 year old
Copyright by
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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